Sunday, October 20, 2013

Benefits of neem leaves for dandruff Problem

Benefits of neem leaves for dandruff Problem
Is neem leaves good for dandruff ? Yes Neem leaves are the best natural medicine for dandruff problem. Neem leaves are used as dandruff medicine in many forms like neem powder, neem paste, neem water, neem seed powder, neem oil etc. This page gives the medicinal properties information and benefits of neem leaves for dandruff Problem. The anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral properties present in neem leaves can cure all types of microbial infections.
Follow the steps in the use of neem leaves for dandruff mentioned below.

How to use Neem leaves for Dandruff

How to Prepare Neem water for dandruff: Take a bunch of neem leaves wash it three are four times in clean water. Then soak the leaves in clean water overnight. The next morning remove the leaves and keep it aside. Use the neem soaked water for hair wash. Do this regularly for 10 to 15 days to get rid of dandruff completely.  

Neem oil Dandruff Treatment: Take half lit of coconut oil or gingelly oil. Heat it in low flame for five minutes and then add 40 to 50 dried neem leaves and 3tsp fenugreek seed. Heat in low flame for another 5 to 10 minutes use the oil for head scalp massage daily before bed time.
How to use commercially available neem oil to cure dandruff.
Simpley use neem seed oil for dandruff.  You can get neem seed oil in ayurvedic shops. Add coconut oil and neem oil in 5:1ratio and apply in above mentioned method.  

How to prepare Neem Leaves Paste for Dandruff
Neem Leaves Dandruff Cure is the most effective method for dandruff problem.
Take three tsp of fenugreek seeds. Soak it for five hours.
Take a bunch of (50 to 80) tender neem leaves, grind nicely by adding the soaked fenugreek seed. Use curd for pasting the leaves.
Neem leaves paste is ready. Apply this paste on the hair and hair scalps for about 2hour then take the hair wash.  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Uses of Neem leaves for Skin Problems

Neem leaves for Skin 
Neem leaves are used to treat many skin infections and it is one of the best natural cure for all types skin problems. This post gives the uses of neem leaves for skin problems like allergies, dry skin, oily skin and microbial skin infections.  People use this neem leaves to cure both for internal and external body problems but apply tender leaves paste on the infected skin area than eating neem leaves for skin gives fast cure.

How to Use Neem leaves for skin diseases: Neem plant is having high medicinal values. The application of neem leaves basic method is to collect some tender neem leaves, wash it properly and drin the water.   

How to use neem leaves for skin allergies: Grind a bunch of the washed tender coconut leaves with turmeric or kasturi manjal and make into paste form. Apply this on the spot of skin allergy.

 Aloe vera and Neem leaves for skin care: neem leaves paste with aloe vera gel is the best skin care product. You can use this as a precautionary paste to avoid all types of skin problems including pimples and acne. Neem and aloe vara paste is available at ayurvedic shops. Take equal quantity of both and mix together. Apply this on your face at night time leave it for whole night or for two hours.

How to Use Neem leaves uses for skin infections: The common skin infection is called contact dermatitis which is caused by microbial infection. Applying neem leaves regularly can control the infection.

Lemon juice and Neem leaves for oily skin: Take a bunch of neem leaves and 5tsp of lemon juice. Grind the neem leaves by adding lemon juice instead of water. Add little water if necessary.

 How to use neem leaves for fair skin: Take the combination of 1tsp of neem paste, 1tsp lemon jucie and 1tsp honey. Mix the ingredients together; apply this for your face regularly to get fairness.

How to use Neem leaves for glowing skin: Take 4tsp of neem paste add 2tsp of curd and 3tsp olive oil. Gently do massage with the mixture twice a day. These ingredients reduce all types of skin infection and make your skin to glow naturally.